6784 Trans Canada Hwy, Savona, BC
(20 Mins West of Kamloops)
Sales - Service - Financing - Storage - Parts
Call Us at (250) 373-0097 | Text us: 250-320-5994
Email: info@trailersetc.ca
Our Satisfied Customers Weigh in on Trailers Etc.
Trailers Etc. customers are chatting about the service they received when they visited us in Savona. We’re extremely happy to have a close-knit network of followers who support our business and refer us to their friends. Read reviews from our satisfied customers below.
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Contact us to make an appointment to visit us today. We are located at 6784 Trans Canada Highway, 20 mins West of Kamloops.
Trailers Etc. Inc. reserves the right to make changes in prices, colours, materials and equipment, and specifications at any time without notice and assumes no responsibility for any error in this literature.